Bride and Groom Thank You

Bride and Groom Thank You 1

Bride and Groom, please turn and face your friends and family.

Bride and Groom stand now before those that they love and that love them.

Those that have raised them, taught them, supported them and shaped them.

Most importantly, have given them not only the capacity to love, but to understand it and the desire to return it.

Because of that they are able to stand now across from each other – to take the limitless wealth that you have all given them in spirit, in time, in love – and return it.

Not just to themselves. not just to you.

But to the memory of those passed.

And to the hope for those yet to be.

Without everyone here today, no one is here today.

And for that, Bride and Groom both knowing that language often fails emotion, say, simply, “thank you.”

Bride and Groom, turn and face each other.

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